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What Pupils Say

More than 1,000 students across BEST schools have learnt mindfulness in the classroom with staff who have developed their own personal practice and undertaken formal training to teach.

A variety of curricula teach students the life skills of mindful awareness and aim to develop their capacity for:

  • looking after their mental health and wellbeing
  • focused attention
  • making wise choices
  • kindness and compassion
  • self-care
  • ‘responding’ not ‘reacting’
  • managing challenging emotions and thoughts

Feedback from students has been extremely positive. In a recent survey, over 90% of pupils learning Paws b said they found it ‘enjoyable’, ‘useful’ and ‘would use the practices again’.

Pupils at Campton Academy taking part in a mindful eating session

Our schools are establishing their own approaches to ‘weaving’ mindfulness into the fabric of everyday school life – from offering opportunities to practice at assembly or tutor time, after-school clubs and within pastoral care.

We aim to provide a positive and enjoyable experience of learning mindfulness so that our young people are equipped to practice if they choose and know they can come back to mindfulness in the future. 

The curricula taught in BEST schools are created by Mindfulness in Schools Project. Learn more about each programme here:

Dots (3-6 years)

Paws b (7-11 years)

.b (11-18 years)


I loved it because it made me calm

To use my breathing when I’m sad, angry or worried

How to take care of myself in tough situations or if i wobble I know what to do

I learned to relax better

Getting on better with my friends and family

Learning how to control my anger and choices

To train your brain not to react all the time

To be present and not mindless

To notice the things around me, and notice my feelings

Pupil feedback  What's the most important thing you learned from the course?


When i had an argument with my sister, I went in my room and did some mindfulness and I was a lot calmer

The night before a big event and I couldn’t sleep and it was really late and I didn’t know what to do. But then I did mindfulness and I fell asleep

Pupil feedback – describe a time you used mindfulness and it helped you