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What Staff Say

All BEST staff are entitled to access mindfulness training and a variety of learning opportunities are available to staff.

150+ staff and leaders have completed the eight-week .b Foundations course with BEST Mindfulness Coach Will George and/or the Leadership Presence programmes with mindful leadership coach Maggie Farrar. 

BEST Mindfulness Coach Will George runs an inset day mindfulness session for Samuel Whitbread Academy staff

Lunchtime ‘drop-in’ sessions are offered to allow staff an opportunity to pause and step back for a few minutes during the working day.

The Trust funds staff who wish to train to teach mindfulness to students in the classroom and they receive ongoing support as part of our growing community. 

Feedback from the training has been overwhelmingly positive with staff reporting a wide range of benefits to their personal and professional lives.

Calmer, less anxious, more aware.

Using pauses and breathing to get through difficult moments is very helpful to my wellbeing.

Giving myself to one task rather than trying to do everything at once.

Being kinder to myself and others.

Able to sleep better… that always improves your work performance.

Created more of a work-life balance.

More mindful of others and what they’re going through in their lives.

I have taken back control of my time and feel more confident.

I can take a step back when dealing with children's arguments and the demands at work.

.b Foundations course FeEDback from BEST STAFF