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Ex-England netball captain Pamela Cookey inspires BEST pupils

A former captain of the England netball team provided a day packed full of inspiration and coaching to pupils at two BEST schools.

Pamela Cookey, who amassed 114 caps over 11 years representing the Roses, visited Gothic Mede Academy and Etonbury Academy.

Now retired from playing, she was there in her role as an ambassador for The Mintridge Foundation, a charity that uses sporting role models to encourage all young people to have a positive relationship with sport.

Pamela charted her sporting journey and gave her top tips for success during inspirational presentations at the two Arlesey schools.

Pamela Cookey talks to Gothic Mede pupils about her sporting journey

At Etonbury, she also hosted a classroom Q&A with GCSE/BTEC students on the importance of strength and conditioning routines.

But the most fun was definitely had on court, as Pamela put pupils through their paces with tailor-made coaching sessions.

Charity founder Alex Wallace said: “In sport, there are great expectations around role models, and we see this as an incredible opportunity to make positive outcomes.

“These positive outcomes were seen firsthand at both Gothic Mede and Etonbury Academy during this programme.

Pamela Cookey provides plenty of inspiration to Etonbury students

“Aspirations were raised and there was a genuine buzz from students and staff alike having Pamela deliver her story and coaching. What a day!”

Pamela, who was also a Netball Super League winner a record seven times in her sterling career, added: “What an awesome day had at the two schools meeting aspirational sports stars and well-rounded pupils. The sun was not the only thing shining!

“Thank you for having me visit, it was a pleasure to meet the teachers and the students and hopefully my story will help in some way.”

The visit was made possible thanks to funding from one of the foundation’s corporate partners, Mintridge Strategic Land, a land promotion business based near Bedford.

Putting Etonbury students through their paces in the sports hall

Read more about the day in The Mintridge Foundation's blog >>